Whale and seersucker, need we say more? When you think southern and preppy this says it all! Whether it's a getaway to Charleston, a trip to Cape Cod or just a need for an infusion of prep into an ordinary day, this new classic is a must have for your pup.
As a part of the critter haberdashery collection, the preppy whale seersucker collar features a classic seersucker collar with a preppy whales embroidered on top.
Size Options:
Small ( 10 to 15 inches) with 3/4 inch width,
Medium ( 12 to 19 inches) with 1 inch width,
Large ( 15 to 24 inches) with 1 inch width,
X-Large ( 17 to 29 inches)with 1 inch width.
Hardware Options:
Buckle and hardware are available in the color of your choice choose from white, black, brass, or nickel.